
Why All Conventional Lifting is essentially Con...
There’s no need to preferentially focus on the negative portion of the lift if you’re using the same weight throughout the range of motion. If you do want to perform real eccentrics, use at least 110% of your 1RM and lower it as slowly as possible. Shoot for at least 10-seconds during the negative to maximize mechanical tension. Next time you hear someone talk about how important the negative portion of a lift is, feel free to tell them exactly how wrong they are and how they’re misinterpreting the implications of scientific studies. Actually, don’t do that. But feel free to point them here for a full discussion on the topic!
<Source: The Muscle PHD>
Why All Conventional Lifting is essentially Con...
There’s no need to preferentially focus on the negative portion of the lift if you’re using the same weight throughout the range of motion. If you do want to perform real eccentrics, use at least 110% of your 1RM and lower it as slowly as possible. Shoot for at least 10-seconds during the negative to maximize mechanical tension. Next time you hear someone talk about how important the negative portion of a lift is, feel free to tell them exactly how wrong they are and how they’re misinterpreting the implications of scientific studies. Actually, don’t do that. But feel free to point them here for a full discussion on the topic!
<Source: The Muscle PHD>

Train Harder & Recover Faster With Concentric O...
Maybe you’re experiencing a more severe and prolonged level of soreness than before. You could have limitations due to injury or sport season demands. Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve hit the dreaded plateau in your training and cannot make progress to save your life.
These are all very common issues that an athlete or coach is unfortunately familiar with. But there is a way around this, and it may be something you’ve never tried. Concentric-Only Training (COT) may be the answer you’re looking for, even if you didn’t know you needed it. You can kill all the birds with one stone. Here’s how.
<Source: Dr. John Rusin>
Train Harder & Recover Faster With Concentric O...
Maybe you’re experiencing a more severe and prolonged level of soreness than before. You could have limitations due to injury or sport season demands. Or maybe, just maybe, you’ve hit the dreaded plateau in your training and cannot make progress to save your life.
These are all very common issues that an athlete or coach is unfortunately familiar with. But there is a way around this, and it may be something you’ve never tried. Concentric-Only Training (COT) may be the answer you’re looking for, even if you didn’t know you needed it. You can kill all the birds with one stone. Here’s how.
<Source: Dr. John Rusin>

Hypertrophic effects of concentric versus eccen...
Eccentric actions may elicit a slightly larger hypertrophic response than concentric actions, but at the same time, they also require greater overload and induce greater delayed-onset muscle soreness.
<Source: U-Cursos>
Hypertrophic effects of concentric versus eccen...
Eccentric actions may elicit a slightly larger hypertrophic response than concentric actions, but at the same time, they also require greater overload and induce greater delayed-onset muscle soreness.
<Source: U-Cursos>

Skeletal muscle remodeling in response to eccen...
"Although, ECC RT has been usually associated to greater increases in muscle mass compared to CON RT, the present review clearly illustrated that the findings presented in the literature are too varied to clearly affirm which training mode leads to greater long-term muscle growth. Furthermore, when both exercises paradigms are matched for either maximum load or work, the hypertrophic responses are very similar."
<Source: Nottingham Repository>
Skeletal muscle remodeling in response to eccen...
"Although, ECC RT has been usually associated to greater increases in muscle mass compared to CON RT, the present review clearly illustrated that the findings presented in the literature are too varied to clearly affirm which training mode leads to greater long-term muscle growth. Furthermore, when both exercises paradigms are matched for either maximum load or work, the hypertrophic responses are very similar."
<Source: Nottingham Repository>

Eccentric Vs. Concentric training. Which Is Bet...
Resistance training involves two types of movements, concentric and eccentric. Concentric movement is when the muscle shortens while producing force (contracting the muscle). This happens when you are raising the weight during a biceps curl.
Eccentric movement is when the muscle lengthens while producing force. For example, when you’re lowering the weight back down during a biceps curl. One can say that you’re often stronger in the eccentric phase of the lift since you’re holding back the weight.
<Source: EBT>
Eccentric Vs. Concentric training. Which Is Bet...
Resistance training involves two types of movements, concentric and eccentric. Concentric movement is when the muscle shortens while producing force (contracting the muscle). This happens when you are raising the weight during a biceps curl.
Eccentric movement is when the muscle lengthens while producing force. For example, when you’re lowering the weight back down during a biceps curl. One can say that you’re often stronger in the eccentric phase of the lift since you’re holding back the weight.
<Source: EBT>

Concentric-only Training
In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in eccentric training, either in the form of supramaximal, eccentric-only training or in the form of eccentric overload training. There are now many technologies available that allow eccentric training to be performed for many common exercises. Yet, concentric-only training is also a valid method for producing strength gains and hypertrophy, and it has its own advantages and disadvantages, in much the same way as eccentric-only training.
<Source: Patreon>
Concentric-only Training
In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in eccentric training, either in the form of supramaximal, eccentric-only training or in the form of eccentric overload training. There are now many technologies available that allow eccentric training to be performed for many common exercises. Yet, concentric-only training is also a valid method for producing strength gains and hypertrophy, and it has its own advantages and disadvantages, in much the same way as eccentric-only training.
<Source: Patreon>