Nezar Akeel and Sabrina Wescott stop into studi...
"We have Sabrina Wescott and Nezar Akeel here and we are talking about the MAXPRO. What is it? It is this thing right here. And what it does is goes...
Nezar Akeel and Sabrina Wescott stop into studi...
"We have Sabrina Wescott and Nezar Akeel here and we are talking about the MAXPRO. What is it? It is this thing right here. And what it does is goes...
Detroit’s MAXPRO Fitness to Launch Innovative W...
"Detroit startup MAXPRO Fitness announced it will launch its new portable fitness machine in January after receiving a Best of Innovation Award for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in...
Detroit’s MAXPRO Fitness to Launch Innovative W...
"Detroit startup MAXPRO Fitness announced it will launch its new portable fitness machine in January after receiving a Best of Innovation Award for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in...